Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sonic Youth

Two days ago i recieved a Sonic Youth dvd in the mail. The video clips on the dvd confirm what everyone already knows: thurston moore doesn't age. kim gordon also doesn't age but rather than being perpetually early to mid 20s like thurston, shes stuck in her 40s. the first video on the dvd is dirty boots, released in 1990, when thurston was 32 and kim was 37.

i'd forgotten about the video for sunday (can download from shots of macaulay culkin filmed close up with a high speed camera and then slowed down together with clips of ballerinas. the part with the spinning ballerina i'd class as genius, but on the whole i'd classify the video clip as hard to watch, but also hard not to watch. the same can probably be said about the director's film, gummo (something else i'd forgotten about). i haven't seen gummo but i remember someone telling me about it and the more he said how bad it was, the more i wanted to see it.

to show what i mean, here's what wikipedia has on gummo:

The two main protagonists are Solomon and Tummler, two teenage boys who kill cats and sell them to a butcher so they can buy glue to sniff. Other characters, odd enough to make a black midget in an Israeli flag t-shirt seem like the most normal person in the room, pop in and out of the narrative, wrestling kitchen chairs, discussing nipple-darkening techniques and threatening to shoot their children if they don't smile. And the enigmatic Bunny Boy wanders silently through the landscape, urinating off bridges and playing the accordion.

from imdb on the bathtub scene:

Solomon is in the tub eating spaghetti and drinking milk. There is a peice of bacon scotch taped to the wall. This particular thing made Werner Herzog write Harmony a fan letter.

It's disturbing yet beautiful.