Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Two Dollars

When people on the street ask me for money, i usually give it. people have told me this is wrong and it encourages bad behaviour and the people who take the money are only going to use it for drugs or alcohol anyway. however, im pretty sure these people are less fortunate than me. i guess the money would be better used if given to a charitable organization that would help less fortunate people, but its hard to say no when they're standing in front of me. one thing tho, is i don't like the lying for some reason. i don't know if i'm being harsh, but i find it embarrassing for both involved. i know the money isn't for a bus ticket. is that the only valid reason someone can have for needing money? i don't mind if they're planning on spending it on drugs or alcohol. they're probably going to spend it on the same thing that i would have spent it on. anyway, i think i was going somewhere with this. i got one of those survey calls the other day from adelaide council and one of the questions was what could be done to make me enjoy the city more. i guess i could have said anything. like waterslides or free movies. or allow people to stand outside pubs and drink instead of having to sit down. but i didn't say any of those. i gave a suggestion which was perhaps a bit selfish. i said free public transport.


Blogger Ms Smack said...

I remember some lyrics of some song that said 'how dare the bum spend your two bucks on a beer'

As if, we wouldnt spend our 2 bucks on a beer too.....

or something like that.

12:40 pm  

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